About Us

We are dream travel architects

We specialize in tailoring unforgettable travel experiences to Portugal and to a wealth of African destinations. Our team of experts combines personalized travel planning with valuable insights from a vast network of destination insiders, to curate extraordinary travel experiences for our members and clients.

Conceived for sophisticated travelers with a passion for discovery, RECONECTA Trip Curator is a unique service, which combines highly personalized trip planning by experts and deep intelligence from a global network of insiders, to get you to experience not only our favorite destinations, but the world, like never before. Our aim is to create unforgettable travel experiences that truly transform your life and those of your close ones.


How we do it

RECONECTA Trip Curator’s travel designers craft highly customized itineraries around members’ interests and needs, combining insights from our editors with expert support from travel specialists within each destination. Whether you are planning a memorable vacation, retreat, birthday celebration, proposal, reunion, team offsite or adventure, we have you covered! 


Our Destinations

Beyond our star destinations, we can book any destination around the world, thanks to our extensive network of local experts. All trips are tailored to clients’ needs. Our local editors are specialized in the region or country you would like to travel. So instead of just recommending a set trip, we offer unique insights and recommendations for memorable experiences.


Benefits of our one-of-a-kind service

RECONECTA Trip Curator brings together a global network of destination editors—top lifestyle and travel leaders—who curate hotels, restaurants, and activities. Highlighting the hidden gems and local favorites, as well as significant news and trends, our local experts provide unique access to the people, places, and experiences that will replay for the rest of your life.

You will get:

  • Access to your own dedicated travel designers

  • Custom-crafted itineraries by our team of experts

  • Unparalleled global intelligence, with frequent updates on destination trends and news from our editors and their network of celebrated local lifestyle makers.

  • Members get access to special perks, benefits and amenities on every trip